Basking in World Series Glory

Public Now Views Bank One Ballpark Expenditures Favorably

A clear majority of Phoenix voters currently regard the expenditure of public money on Bank One Ballpark to have been a good idea.  These findings were in response to a recent O’Neil Associates Valley Monitor question, which asked regular Phoenix voters: “In view of the Diamondbacks’ success, do you consider the public money spent on Bank One Ballpark to have been a good idea or not a good idea?”  A clear majority of 55 % now indicate they believe this was a good idea.  A little more than one in three (34%) think it was a bad idea, and the remaining 10% are unsure (numbers do not add to one hundred percent due to rounding).

Support for Bank One Ballpark

According to the director of the poll, Dr. Michael O’Neil, “These figures represent a rather extraordinary turnaround in public sentiment.  For the last five years, nearly every public opinion poll on the subject has clearly demonstrated massive public resentment over public expenditures for Bank One Ballpark.  In light of such consistent and vehement findings, these results are extraordinary.  They demonstrate a radical turnabout in public sentiment.  No doubt the euphoria is associated with a World Series victory and Arizona’s first championship in any major sport.  Of course, we simply don’t know how long-lived such sentiment will be, but the degree of turnaround represented by such findings is nothing short of breathtaking.”

Surprising Support

O’Neil continued, “The sources of support are also intriguing.  The highest level of support was found among Republicans, who normally tend to be more fiscally conservative.  Nearly three-fifths (58%) of this group now feel that the public expenditures for Bank One Ballpark were a good idea. This contrasts with 53% among Democrats and 49% among other voters.”

Perhaps even more surprising, the belief that this public expenditure was a good idea is actually more prevalent among women (57%) than men (53%).

About the Poll.  The O’Neil Associates Valley Monitor is an independent, scientific, periodic random community survey of the metropolitan Phoenix area and the State of Arizona; as always, this Valley Monitor poll was not sponsored or paid for by any outside organization. Five hundred three interviews were conducted with randomly selected Maricopa county voters between November 14 and November 21, 2001. The “sampling error” associated with this survey is approximately ±4.4%. In other words, the chances are approximately 95 in 100 that we would have obtained the same results—within a margin of ±4.4%—had we interviewed every Phoenix voter. Other sources of possible survey error, such as question wording, should also be considered, but are inherently not quantifiable.

O'Neil Associates, Inc. is a Tempe-based public opinion research firm specializing in client-focused attitude and awareness studies for a wide variety of industries and organizations.

FOR RELEASE: Friday, December 7, 2001                           (VMP2001-183-1614)
FURTHER INFORMATION:    Michael O'Neil, Ph.D., (480) 967-4441

These results may be reported freely provided that they are identified as the “O’Neil Associates Valley Monitor” including identification on any graphic material. Media interviews available.